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Childrens Illustration

Twitter background update…@maxillustration

He’s brightened up my Twitter page by picking out a random post with his nose to be the victim of some big whoop sarcasm…


Hungry Bears

Childrens Illustration


Childrens Illustration

A Cautionary Tale (aka I’ve Been Stupid and I Thought I’d Tell The World)


So I’m working away, getting lost in the moment, really enjoying myself. Then my computer crashes. Usually my computer is a reliable little thing – 5 years happily working on giant files. So I can normally get away with forgetting to save at regular intervals. But not today. Here is a halfway(ish) point screen grab that I managed to get before everything went white Aw well, you live and learn.


The Fox and the Gingerbread Man

Childrens Illustration

My youngest son’s favourite story – how could I not….(he has a million favourites so it look’s like The Elves and the Shoemaker next…)

Freddy’s Happy Ending…

Childrens Illustration, General

Acrylics on paper

Ooooh Shiny! – Pearlescent Tinting Medium

Childrens Illustration, Techniques, Tutorials

I don’t often use additives or mediums. Occasionally I’ll use a flow enhancer for larger pieces but only when I can get the lid off the bottle without breaking my hand (must remember to clean the bottle before putting the lid back on).

The flat colour of this Pearlescent Tinting Medium medium was perfect for my snow and having never used it before –I got it with a bundle of paint tubes– I thought I’d use it and see what happened (you know how much I love experimenting). You could go too wild with this and end up with something very tacky but in moderation it’s gorgeous.

Anyways, look what it does (if you haven’t seen or used it before).

This is the colour I wanted, and I expect, how it would reproduce in print. This is straight out of the tube:

And this is what happens when the light catches it:

Isn’t that lovely!

I’ll post the full illustration tomorrow when I can hopefully get some good light to photograph it properly.