Pi-Rat! News and Pics!


Hello again! A quick update with some lovely pics of tiny people and their Pi-Rat! book. I love these photographs with all my heart(ies) so keep them coming, and I’ll post them here for everyone to marvel at!

pi-rat blog pic sml

That photo up there at the top is from a school visit yesterday. Not just any visit, it was my first Pi-Rat! school visit. And it was at my son’s school. Eep! We had a fabulous time – lots of ‘arrr’ing and we made hats too! I’ll post more pics of the day soon. It’s all part of Little Tiger’s ‘Reading Rocks!’ event. I also answered some question’s for Storyseekers which you can find here along with their review of Pi-Rat!.

Speaking of reviews and such, head over to Library Mice to see all five Reading Rocks! picture books on their carousel.

Max x


Childrens Illustration, Uncategorized

A bit of experimentation – trying out a new painting style on an old sketch.


Childrens Illustration, Uncategorized

So I treated myself to a new drawing tablet last week. I was a little worried by the size difference between my old Intuos (drawing area 12″x12″) and the smaller area of my new Cintiq 12WX (drawing area 10.3″x6.4″). The biggest problem I’ve come across so far though isn’t size related…It’s the smoothness of the surface. I like to draw and colour in a scratchy-scrawly way so the smooth drawing surface is going to take a bit of getting used to. Blah blah blah…Anyways, here are a couple of illustrations I’ve done – can you see a difference? (Cowboy – Painter, Cowgirl – Photoshop)


Book Dummy – Final


Final installment of my process here (mid-May) https://www.maxinelee.com/book-dummy-process/

Thanks to everyone for reading so far. I’ll update as soon as I get any responses/feedback but I’m not expecting that to be any time soon, so until then, back to it…

Book Dummy III


Updated my progress including a picture of one of my b&w dummy ready roughs :  https://www.maxinelee.com/book-dummy-process/

Book Dummy II


Just updated my progress – it’s going well up to now - https://www.maxinelee.com/book-dummy-process/


Book Dummy


Just started writing up the progress/process of my dummy here https://www.maxinelee.com/book-dummy-process/

I’m not slacking….I’m still here and still working away…x