Warm Up Sketch 14/08/2017 – House 1

Childrens Illustration, Techniques, Warm Up Sketches

Warm up sketch – 30 minutes.
Concentrating on buildings this week.

Warm Up Sketch 11/08/2017 – White Car, Snow and Dalmations

Childrens Illustration, Drawings, Techniques, Warm Up Sketches

Trying to draw a scene with lots of separate white elements – part speed painting, part over-complicated, over-blended muddle. This doesn’t quite work for me but I feel I’ve learned something from it. And I’ve stayed on the pet theme. I need a new theme for next week…

Warm Up Sketch 10/08/2017 – Pet Caterpillar in a Jar

Childrens Illustration, Drawings, Techniques, Warm Up Sketches

This one took longer than I thought it would – around 45 minutes. Just playing with colour and blending.

Warm Up Sketch 09/08/2017 – Rabbit on a Skateboard

Childrens Illustration, Drawings, Techniques, Warm Up Sketches

The colour and the shape are making him look more like E.T. than I was going for…

Warm Up Sketch 08/08/2017 – Baby Guinea Pig

Childrens Illustration, Drawings, Techniques, Warm Up Sketches

Warm up sketches help me to experiment or try new things first thing each morning. They’re not highly detailed or finished art – I usually spend anywhere between 5 minutes and half an hour just focusing on the thing/technique I want to learn more about. When I’m busy, it’s important to me to find time to do this because I lose track of myself, especially when working to prescriptive briefs or doing a lot of copy-artist type work.

Today I’m carrying on with my domestic animals study and trying a new eye shape – around 45 mins

Warmup Sketch 7/8/17 – Grey hair with backlight

Childrens Illustration, Techniques, Warm Up Sketches

Warm up sketches help me to experiment or try new things first thing each morning. They’re not highly detailed or finished art – I usually spend anywhere between 5 minutes and half an hour just focusing on the thing/technique I want to learn more about. When I’m busy, it’s important to me to find time to do this because I lose track of myself, especially when working to prescriptive briefs or doing a lot of copy-artist type work.

Today I was thinking about backlight and I tried a different eye shape – around 15 minutes.

Modern Calligraphy

Design, General, Letter Playground

I’ve been lucky enough to work on some amazing books so far this year (all to be in a bookshop near you very soon). I’ve been illustrating my little socks off for some fantastic authors as well as working on some new ideas myself. I’ve also been bringing my penmanship up to speed and working on developing some local classes and workshops. I’ll post details/locations very soon. I love this quote—it always turns out to be right. Creative types who tend to be drawn by covers (strange or conventional) can never be reminded enough, myself included, usually with actual books, funnily enough.

dont judge a book by its cover